

New GOTR Program Shirt Order

Please select which items to include in this order. For example, if you are ordering coach shirts for earlier delivery than your participant shirts, you should uncheck the participant shirts and create a separate order for those to be delivered at a later date.

Girls on the Run Program Shirts

Front Art
Front 12" x 6.2"

GOTR Program Shirt

Include Item in Order

Select this option to include this item in the new order.

For example, if this order only includes coach shirts, you should uncheck "Include Item in Order" for all other items, such as participant shirts.

Include Youth Sizes

Select this option to include Youth Medium and Youth Large sizes for this item in the new order.

In most cases, you'll want to include youth sizes for Program shirts, but not Coach shirts.

Youth Small is a separate option that will appear right after this option, if available for this item.

Include Youth Small

Select this option to offer Youth Small on this item.

Youth Small is only available on short-sleeve Program shirts, not long-sleeve or Heart & Sole shirts.

Including Youth Small limits the back art to a total width of 10" on ALL items AND sizes, youth and adult. Without Youth Small, back art may be up to 12" wide. Please factor this into your decision to offer Youth Small as some councils have found back art, especially logos, appear a bit small when condensed to 10" total width.
Back Artwork

Select this option if this item will have back artwork.

Coach shirts DO NOT automatically have "COACH" on the back, so make sure to select this option if you want "COACH" on the back.

If yes, please also note the number of logos, if any, you expect. You will be able to upload any logos or art into the Art Center once your order has been created.

Front Art
Front 12" x 6.2"

GOTR Coach Shirt

Include Item in Order

Select this option to include this item in the new order.

For example, if this order only includes coach shirts, you should uncheck "Include Item in Order" for all other items, such as participant shirts.

Include Youth Sizes

Select this option to include Youth Medium and Youth Large sizes for this item in the new order.

In most cases, you'll want to include youth sizes for Program shirts, but not Coach shirts.

Youth Small is a separate option that will appear right after this option, if available for this item.

Include Youth Small

Select this option to offer Youth Small on this item.

Youth Small is only available on short-sleeve Program shirts, not long-sleeve or Heart & Sole shirts.

Including Youth Small limits the back art to a total width of 10" on ALL items AND sizes, youth and adult. Without Youth Small, back art may be up to 12" wide. Please factor this into your decision to offer Youth Small as some councils have found back art, especially logos, appear a bit small when condensed to 10" total width.
Back Artwork

Select this option if this item will have back artwork.

Coach shirts DO NOT automatically have "COACH" on the back, so make sure to select this option if you want "COACH" on the back.

If yes, please also note the number of logos, if any, you expect. You will be able to upload any logos or art into the Art Center once your order has been created.

"COACH" is not automatically included on the back of coach shirts. You must select "Add Back Artwork" and note you would like "COACH" printed on the back.

Heart & Sole Program Shirts

Front Art
Front 12" x 6.2"

Heart & Sole Program Shirt

Include Item in Order

Select this option to include this item in the new order.

For example, if this order only includes coach shirts, you should uncheck "Include Item in Order" for all other items, such as participant shirts.

Include Youth Sizes

Select this option to include Youth Medium and Youth Large sizes for this item in the new order.

In most cases, you'll want to include youth sizes for Program shirts, but not Coach shirts.

Youth Small is a separate option that will appear right after this option, if available for this item.

Include Youth Small

Select this option to offer Youth Small on this item.

Youth Small is only available on short-sleeve Program shirts, not long-sleeve or Heart & Sole shirts.

Including Youth Small limits the back art to a total width of 10" on ALL items AND sizes, youth and adult. Without Youth Small, back art may be up to 12" wide. Please factor this into your decision to offer Youth Small as some councils have found back art, especially logos, appear a bit small when condensed to 10" total width.
Back Artwork

Select this option if this item will have back artwork.

Coach shirts DO NOT automatically have "COACH" on the back, so make sure to select this option if you want "COACH" on the back.

If yes, please also note the number of logos, if any, you expect. You will be able to upload any logos or art into the Art Center once your order has been created.

Front Art
Front 12" x 6.2"

Heart & Sole Coach Shirt

Include Item in Order

Select this option to include this item in the new order.

For example, if this order only includes coach shirts, you should uncheck "Include Item in Order" for all other items, such as participant shirts.

Include Youth Sizes

Select this option to include Youth Medium and Youth Large sizes for this item in the new order.

In most cases, you'll want to include youth sizes for Program shirts, but not Coach shirts.

Youth Small is a separate option that will appear right after this option, if available for this item.

Include Youth Small

Select this option to offer Youth Small on this item.

Youth Small is only available on short-sleeve Program shirts, not long-sleeve or Heart & Sole shirts.

Including Youth Small limits the back art to a total width of 10" on ALL items AND sizes, youth and adult. Without Youth Small, back art may be up to 12" wide. Please factor this into your decision to offer Youth Small as some councils have found back art, especially logos, appear a bit small when condensed to 10" total width.
Back Artwork

Select this option if this item will have back artwork.

Coach shirts DO NOT automatically have "COACH" on the back, so make sure to select this option if you want "COACH" on the back.

If yes, please also note the number of logos, if any, you expect. You will be able to upload any logos or art into the Art Center once your order has been created.

"COACH" is not automatically included on the back of coach shirts. You must select "Add Back Artwork" and note you would like "COACH" printed on the back.

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